Keep Calm & Eat Cheesecake

After writing my first novel, I found myself down the publishing rabbit hole. When you write a book you just want to share it with the world. I gave no thought to how, exactly, I was going to do that. Well, turns out blogging is one way to help “build your brand” – words I never thought I’d hear myself saying. I’m honestly scared of putting myself out there and the vulnerability that comes with publicizing literally anything in this day and age, but I do want to turn my love for writing into my side hustle, so here I am.


Even though my primary focus will be novels, I realized that I could also create a unique world through a blog. One where I could have a bit of fun with word play, loosen the reigns from the formality of writing books, and share my knowledge with those who I connect with most. So, I forced myself to take a good hard look at what I have to offer readers. And you know what I found out? I’m basic AF.


I am apparently the epitome of a “VSCO mom,” although I didn’t know it until my teen girls so graciously filled me in. I’m a suburban living, lifted Jeep driving, beer drinking, coffee spilling, hydro flask carrying, chips and salsa filled mom, and damnit if loving all things pumpkin spice is wrong, then I don’t wanna be right. I will NEVER pass up a trip to Target and I get a literal high from finding original sales tags on Goodwill items. I break for garage sales, have a daily pile of Amazon boxes on my front porch, and no longer feel shame when Netflix asks me if I’m still watching. 

I’m not a part of any hot topic groups. I’m not into politics or particularly religious and prefer to live my life by the “to each their own” philosophy. The only rally sign you’ll see me holding is the food order number at my local watering hole. I embrace people from all walks of life and cultural backgrounds. I do not care what color you are, what gender you identify as, or who you are attracted to. If you are good people, then I’m happy to know you.


And while all of this self-examination was great, none of it translated to a blog niche. I’m not an expert in Keto or Cross-Fit or saving for the future. I have no business giving advice on parenting or sticking to a diet. I do happen to be an expert in my field of Safety Science, but I’m bound by NDA and really, that’s the professional, left-brain part of my life. My blog and my novels come from my lighter side…my creative side.

But you know what I do have a wealth of knowledge in? 

Fails. Tons and tons of fails. 

Here’s a few examples of what I’m talking about, and trust me… 

these are mild.

I can’t go one week without a lapse in risk assessment, defeating simple recipes in spectacular fashion, or just doing something absent-mindedly that usually ends with my husband shaking his head and leaving the room. I have learned to see the humor in my ignorance of things I should know by my age, but somehow don’t, and I’m quick to share my screw-ups with my BFF’s because I love to make them laugh.


So that’s my blog niche – shamelessly sharing my fails with you because I know for a fact you have them too, and if your life is as busy as mine, you could use a good laugh when you finally get five minutes to chill. I may throw in a post or two about my books when something interesting happens, but I just figure if you’re interested in checking out my books, you’ll click on my Books page.

The things I gaff are not all that different from the predicaments and awkward moments showed every week on sitcoms, and in the late ’80s & early ’90s, and my favorite show was The Golden Girls. Every week I watched their four very different personalities dig themselves out of whatever mess they were in and then eat an entire cheesecake at 10 pm as they cheered each other up.

Sold! Who wouldn’t want that to be their norm?

If you ask me which character is my favorite, I’d say Rose (because hello? Betty White!), but I actually relate to all their personalities. I’m all four wrapped into one! I’m so golden, I named my blog Keep It Golden Girl to pay homage. And just like my beloved show, each week I’ll tell you about the predicaments, awkward moments, and complete and utter failures I’ve recently found myself in, and how I still kept my head held high and stayed golden.

Maybe you can spare yourself some embarrassment by learning from my faux pas. Or maybe you’ll just get a good laugh on a crap day because you can totally relate. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll find the inspiration to always try and “Keep it Golden, Girl.”

Golden Girls Episode Recommendation: S1E25 The Way we Met

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