Personal Vlog

This Vlog is dedicated to my fight against Colon Cancer. It’s meant to show my personal experience, as a way of sharing updates and perhaps some knowledge. That said, I am not a medial professional. Please speak to your doctor regarding your health care needs.

If you’d like to know about something particular, drop me a comment!


January 31
Chemo Day 1

February 1
Chemo Day 2

February 2
Chemo Day 3

February 19 - 21
Chemo Session 2

March 4-6
Chemo Session 3

March 18-20
Chemo Session 4

April 1-3
Chemo Session 5

April 15-17
Chemo Session 6

Chemo Session 7

June 11
Surgery 2

July 30
Koren 1, Cancer 0
Plus, Wigs

October 1-4
Chemo Session 12
& Bell Ring

34 thoughts on “Personal Vlog”

  1. What a powerful message and insightful experiences you’re sharing with us. Thank you! You are in our thoughts and prayers as you kick cancer in the rear. Sending lots of love!

  2. Koren you are so strong and brave. I have been thinking and praying for you! I know you have a lot of support but if you ever need anything I would love to help. As a nurse and especially as a friend. Thinking of you! 🙏💕

  3. Hello Koren. I’ve been wondering how you are doing. You are in my daily prayers. Love this blog and will be following your journey. Prayers will continue and hope minimal side effects remain! Stay strong and hugs from Garland!!

  4. Koren,
    Thank you for sharing your journey with us. It’s so informative. I think a lot of us feel uncomfortable asking too many questions as we don’t want to feel invasive in such a personal experience. Your sharing gives so much insight on something we haven’t experienced. Stay strong…you have so many people supporting you!
    💕Janine from your Jazzercise family

    1. Thanks Janine! That’s exactly why I’m doing this. I could tell everyone wanted to help and make sure I knew they cared, but were afraid to “bother me,” maybe. I can remember feeling the same way after learning a friend had stomach cancer. It’s hard to know what to say, but just know I feel your positive vibes every time I see your smiling face at Jazzy!

  5. Thanks for sharing, Koren! I am so glad you are sharing your story to help and inspire others; thank you! Thinking of you and wishing you well on this journey.

  6. Thank you for sharing your journey. Most of the experiences are not very pleasant but necessary to fight this awful condition. You mentioned traveling during your treatment schedule. Is traveling recommended during treatment?? My mother-in-law traveled during her treatment and came home with pneumonia and had a very difficult time getting it under control. Maybe the drugs have improved now and it is okay to travel. Please know that you are in my prayers for a complete recovery. Sending love and hugs to you…..

    1. I think travel just depends on where you are at with your treatment, and which drugs you are on. My doctor worked with me to schedule chemo around my travel. It will be the only time I do this, as I’ll need to stay on course and stay well rested. If the trip had been planned further along in my journey, I likely wouldn’t have gone. But the first round of chemo wasn’t too bad, and I followed my doctor’s instructions to rest, stay hydrated, and not drink alcohol while we were in NOLA. When we got home my immune system was suppressed, but I was not sick at all. A full weekend of rest and I was recovered. So worked out in the end 🙂

      1. I’m so happy you could work you trip into your schedule. Looks like you had a wonderful time and celebrating the “Big 50”. You are so brave and I’m glad you were not sick at all. Sending love and hugs to you. : )

  7. You’re doing great, just hang in there, keep up the good fight. Your family is with you all the way. Janene goes in for an echocardiogram & PET scan next week.

  8. Keep working it!
    I understand the cold issue, mine was/is not severe like yours, but after my treatments and to this day I drink everything with little to no ice and not refrigerated. I’ve come to like room temp tea which you know being a Texan how much ice we put it out drinks! I don’t drink fast food drinks, always carry water bottles everywhere. Most restaurants are really good when I ask for little to no ice.

    You’re doing great! I think about you all the time. I wish we could go back where I was chasing your little toddler self all over the house! Life was so simple. We are here and we will kick our cancers to the curb! I have 2 years in front of you, but you will be there before you know it!

    Love you!

  9. Christine Vergely

    Thank you posting these updates on how things are going. We are thinking about you all the time and it’s good to see your spirit shining through. Love you very much. ❤️

  10. Your hat is cute and you look adorable! still rock the eyebrows! Thanks for the updates and deets. I love watching this! <3

  11. Christie Vergely

    That is SO. FRUSTRATING .about the mix up with the docs. I hope they get you in the right person quickly. You are doing a great job of navigating this Koren. Just keep moving forward. You are making progress. Big hugs and love. ❤️

  12. You’re an amazing woman. Thank you for your Post. You are very strong and brave woman For talking about your journey. You’re gonna pull through this. And come out stronger ever than before. Love you lots.🥰🥰

  13. Koren you are such a rockstar! Prays will be ramped up for your upcoming surgery and speedy recovery! Yay on the chemo break! Stay strong and just think of your scar as the mark of the warrior woman you are!

  14. Christine Vergely

    So proud of you and so happy for these results. ❤️🙏🏻🌻. May these last few weeks of chemo pass quickly.

  15. Christa Hammack

    Absolutely love your transparency, vulnerability, and courage to share your story. The best news of all- you did it! You kicked ass! Love you girl❤️💜💕

  16. Those scans get easier, the noise doesn’t bother me anymore. That first long one is a little unnerving. You got this!
    The wig looks great.
    Keep doing what you’re doing, the attitude makes all the difference.

  17. You have received such good news. Clean scans…..good for you!! The wig looks great on you. Sending positive thoughts and prayers for continued good results. Love you Koren

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