A Dryer Power

There’s something special about an unexpected technology issue right before a big work presentation. That flush of fear and panic to resolve it is unlike any other. My latest disaster happened fifteen minutes to go-time, when just like every other workday, I was squeezing in a shower between meetings. I had just enough time to primp and be camera-ready, and for once I had time to actually do my hair.

There’s never a good time for your power to go out, and while you’re still in a towel with dripping wet hair is one of the least favorable. But what made this outage particularly fun is that it occurred at the precise moment I turned on my hairdryer. After pausing for a brief WTF moment, I sent the hubby off to check the breaker box. He reported back that all hope was lost – I had just taken down my entire house with my super-charged, megawatt hairdryer. I think he was a bit proud.

But that was just the tip of the ionic iceberg. I covertly parted the blinds in my front window…no movement from the neighbors. Then I ran around to the back. No lights at the house behind me.

With the clock ticking, I lassoed up the wet messy bun that coworkers usually see me sporting, lit a few candles, stole my husband’s phone for a hot spot, and I was back in action long enough to finish my work presentation with a bit of assistance from my awesome team. (threw that “awesome” in there in case they read this)

Whew, that was close!

But back to the part about how I took out my entire hood with my blow dryer. Ya, it wasn’t just my hood.

Like any good citizen I filled out the “report outage” form, but maybe left out the part about my blow dryer being a potential cause. (Actually, I wish I had indicated that, because I’m sure the power company folks could use a good laugh)

The power came back on about an hour later and the cause listed on the website was updated to “equipment issue.”

Yup. Totally. Shhhh….

But the fun didn’t stop there. At some point during all this, my hubby wandered upstairs to take a nap. Since I had commandeered his phone, and nothing with a remote worked, I can see why he thought this would be an ideal scenario to catch a few zzz’s before we started Season 4 of Goliath.

But guess who never turned off the switch on her hairdryer? That’s right, yours truly. And when that turbo-powered fan kicked on as the power came back up, my husband about hit the floor!

I felt a little bad, but my hair was still wet and I was freezing, so I called it even.

But the next time your power goes out, Keep it Golden, Girl, and maybe turn off whatever you had on when it happened.

Golden Girls Episode Recommendation: S3E4 The Housekeeper

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